The Château Sainte Roseline vineyard implements daily actions and constantly improves its relationship with biodiversity.
In its approach, the domain has already obtained the environmental distinctions High Environmental Value level 3, Sustainable Winegrowing, and Organic Agriculture.
Some of its plots are in a type 2 natural zone of fauna and flora ecological interest (ZNIEFF II) and in a Natura 2000 Zone. The protection of fauna and flora is one of the concerns of our winegrowers: technical itineraries are adapted, housing constructions for these species are carried out, etc.
Among the most protected species, we find the Pipistrelle Commune (little bat) and the Hermann tortoise.
We are also well aware of the important role of the ecological corridors that run along our plots, and which we preserve. Indeed they are the natural habitat of many species. They are home to insects, birds, mammals and reptiles and provide natural regulation that helps fight pests.
Bats, for example, play an important role in the fight against butterflies which damage our grapes with their larvae.
The balance between our interests and those of nature are the drivers of our daily decisions, and we still have many objectives to achieve in this area.